1 min read

To The Graafian Follicle

To The Graafian Follicle

The day I saw you through the microscope
you were more real than a textbook image
You were a possibility in transit
An echo of life’s simplest forms
The hope of a lover trapped in an equator
Waiting for completion
To begin a journey drawn in sorrow and joy

The day I concentrated you
I marveled at the certainty of your existence
framed on a slide
I took pictures, and the first person I thought of was Pat
because when I saw you, I saw love in its different shades and guises
I looked you over  


That day I fell in love with Pathology
And wanted to spend my days squinting through the intimate life of cells.

A Graafian follicle is a mature follicle that contains the ovum (egg) released during ovulation. If the season is favorable, it will be fertilized by a sperm; if not, it degenerates.