Big Girls Don't Cry
You are like freckles
in and out in tune with seasons
black and white like vitiligo.
Who destroyed your melanocytes!
Left you in patches of extremism.
Your sensitivity proliferates
as keratinocytes in psoriasis
with premature assumptions
manifesting parakeratosis.
The acne preceded
your youth, so chronic
you’ve become fixed like pemphigoid;
even though detached from reality
you remain aloof with no hemidesmosomes.
Your little irritations, IgA mediated
leaves you in an itchy feat
too self-conscious of everything but your diet
unaware that it is the gluten irritating you
not the rest of the world.
Your groins and axilla are darkened
from years of sugar lust, Insulin going
through a mindless labor
giving up,
leaving glucose to
inflict whatever wills.
Your crooked ways, abnormal borders, color
and increased size once a radial growth
threatening no-one now goes vertically into
your dermis, a sign of an invasion,
a fragment goes to your heart, bringing
you back to the dust, from where you came.
Death found you S100 positive.
On your tombstone:
here goes pemphigus Vulgaris
sour lip blistered from years of misuse.
With disconnected spines, who could blame your outrage
no desmosomes to bring you home.
You will soon spill away thanks to fate or IgG.
In the afterlife, everyone recognizes your scars
stuck on like seborrheic keratosis
they multiple daily, a sign that your gut
is hosting a tumor
even there in the afterlife, you make no friends
over sensitive to a multitude, you have come
down with Steven Johnsons
necrotizing cells turning black
from hemoglobin’s dismay.