An invitation to write
fill these pages with words
let the words pierce your soul
disinfecting putrid debris
left in the cervices of your mind
wake up your most trusted ally
when friends and passion lost
hold on to your old soul
connect the rotted plug
live again, live for me
the road isn’t as foggy
see clearer with every word written
knowledge is within
punch these letters
watch them light up before you
like a mirror into yourself
when the troubles of this world
reaches your doorstep
remember it has already been written
before the inception of the time
stay with me
remain unscathed
let the fear always bring you to me
not away from me
fill your distraught soul
with peace soothing
calm these raging waters
hitting at the edge of sanity
be still
come to me
hold me
never let me go
polish this old soul
rejoice when you come
linger on with me
like you would with a beloved
see beyond what the world gives
look what I have already given you
a gift unopened
a day untapped
you have everything you desire
look at me
trust me
never let me go
tell me everything
how you feel
how you want to feel
how it hurts
let me cry with you
so you are spared an extra ache
remember those days
when it was all you had
remember you called me
you made me stronger
call me again
never let me go
that’s all my words
sincerely yours.
I’m tired.
tired of your hope
that never fills completely
tired of trying and trying
even after a battle
there’s always a next
does it ever stop?
even when the world did
I’m tired
I want to believe you
I want to hold on
but my seeds are dried up
I’m sorry
I don’t make for pleasant company now
do I?
you know,
you know how it has been
all these years sharpening this blade
this one blade
that seems to be taking my breath away
I’m tired
it has become a pendulous rhythm
that you are sick of hearing
because here you come again
with these words like you haven’t heard me
when I say I’m tired.
I don’t run from you
I’m afraid of you
you are too hopeful
you are too blind
I know you want the best
I know
let me cry a little
let me wail if I must
it hurts, all this
I don’t even know why
it does.
you are right
I can’t let the ship capsize
I don’t have those rights
I don’t have the keys
you hold those ancient keys
the love of a diligent brother
the assurance from an old friend
the laugh of a dear sister
the undying commitment of a father
the devotion of a mother
they have all the rights
I will write
I will write to you